Monday, August 14, 2006

Client Testimonial

I received this wonderful letter from the new Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Lush. If you read my blog yesterday (8/13/06 - “Should we hire Al The Only or order the shrimp?”) I told you about this delightful couple who at the ages of 79 and 61, after twenty years of being together, finally got married. I performed my strolling magic during their reception back in July. Here is what Diane wrote:


August 6, 2006

Dear Al,

Greetings from the new bride and groom.

Thank you for the thank you letter. You beat me to it. We are the ones who should be thanking you. The entertainment you provided our guests was certainly one of the most enjoyed and talked-about elements of our celebration. Remember our choice was “Al The Only” or shrimp? You said they’d remember you long after the taste of shrimp was forgotten. You were right!!!

We hope our affair leads to new contacts for you and that we’ll be invited to someone else’s affair so we can once again mystified and entertained by your talents. You’re terriffic!


Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lush (I just love seeing that in print.)


WOW! Isn’t that nice!?!? I’ve been performing magic as a full time living for the last 26 years and I’m still flattered by such kind words. It just goes along with my mission of providing wonderful memories of your party for your guests!


Al The Only


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